"What the hell did I just watch?"


"The process of writing a good story is like following the recipe for Rhinoceros Stew....

Step 1. Find a Rhinoceros."

No Rhinos were harmed in the making of this logo

No Rhinos were harmed in the making of this logo

About Rhino Stew

Rhino Stew is a production lable dedicated to creating high quality eclectic entertainment. Officially started in 2016 by Luke Palmer with it's debut project 2Kawaii4Comfort, Rhino Stew symbolizes a bold attempt to make genre defying experimental narratives for a web based audience. We make the things you didn't realize you needed to see. If something makes you go 'Oh my god' or 'This is ridiculous, how is this actually a thing?!' it's probably a Rhino Stew Project.

Not limited to any one creator or medium, every Rhino Stew project is in someway spearheaded by it's founder Luke. The title 'Rhino Stew' comes from an often quoted adage from Luke's Father, a bestselling thriller novelist. Embodying that spirit, our work is focused on ideas with strong clear concepts. We are always looking for collaborators and artists with a similar love of storytelling and thirst for creativity. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in working with us!

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About Luke Palmer

A son of a thriller novelist and a teacher, Luke feels like he embodies both of these roles. Inspired by dark comedies, roller coasters, comic books and art he tries to create work that takes the audience on an unexpected, intense journey but ultimately arrive back safely. While studying theater at Emerson College, he realized that he liked collaborating with others as a director rather than being on stage.  Since then he studied with the New York Neo-Futurists, UCB and began producing his own projects. He is the Creator and Co-Director of 2 Kawaii 4 Comfort which has been written up in Kotaku and will be screening at the Atlanta Film Festival. He has also written several plays which have been produced across the US (email him if you would like to stage one of them!). While a lot of his work focuses on the struggles of growing up Neuroatypical, he wants his writing to bring together people of all different backgrounds together and make them go "HOLY S****".